Summertime Family Session at Hartley

A few weeks ago, I met this sweet family of four at Hartley to capture this season of life before their little ones turned another year older. Exactly two years and one week apart, these energetic little men have both celebrated birthdays this June and it was so fun to capture this beautifully chaotic stage of life with them.


What do you most want to remember about the season of life you’re in?

Being present. I don’t want this time to pass and ever for a second question if I was present enough. I want to fully be available, approachable, and willing to love deep, whatever that looks like – in my marriage and for each of our boys.



My calendar is quickly filling up for 2019! Find out more about my Lifestyle Sessions right over here!

meet angela

Hey you! I'm Angela, lover of ginger tea, yoga and self-help books. My heart is happiest when I'm serving others and photography is an avenue in which I am able to do just that.






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